¿Cuántas veces a la semana no haces algo que dijiste que ibas a hacer o comprar para ti y no lo hiciste porque o no tuviste tiempo o pensaste que era un gasto inútil. ¿Sabías que eso puede estar reflejando falta de amor propio y por consecuencia crees que no te lo mereces? El amor […]
Si te dijeran que con solo cambiar algunas creencias podrías crear todo lo que deseas, ¿estarías dispuesto a intentarlo? Vamos a aprender junto con Potenxial by Sofy como liberarnos de esas creencias. Una creencia limitante como su nombre lo dice, te limita o restringe, es algo negativo que tu piensas de ti mismo y que […]
Una de las palabras que se ha puesto de moda o muy popular es ser una persona “tóxica” y aunque a veces lo tomamos como broma o no le damos tanta importancia, realmente ser una persona tóxica si puede afectarte gravemente. Vamos a conocer un poco más del tema y Potenxial by Sofy tiene algunos […]
Surely you have used some lubricant, but have you dared to try a flavored lubricant? at New Fine Arts you can find them and make the experience of sex even more pleasurable. As you know in the love and sex industry there are thousands of options, shapes, materials and of course flavors. If you want […]
Did you know that between fifteen and twenty percent of couples claim to be in a sexless marriage? While there’s no requirement to keep having sex when you’re part of a couple, sex is certainly an act that can strengthen the bond between you and your partner. One reason why people stop being intimate is because […]
Did you know that more than 30 million men in America suffer from erectile dysfunction? ED can be caused by a variety of factors but the result is always the same: a man isn’t able to achieve or keep an erection that will last long enough for sex. The solution to this may be a cock extender […]
No matter what material your anal plug is made of, not cleaning your sex toy can be a bad idea for a variety of reasons. Not only can dirty sex toys cause unpleasant infections, but not cleaning them can cut their lifespans short. When it comes to anal plugs, you will want to be especially careful when […]
Did you know that cock rings were invented around 1,200 BC? Cock rings have more or less stayed the same since then, although today, we can now make them out of safer and more comfortable materials. But the questions still remain the same: What does a cock ring do, how do you use a cock ring, […]
Are you wondering what is a custom home and how do I build one? Building a custom home is a major undertaking that requires significant planning and excellent time management. But…
Imagine this scenario: you’re accused of a crime that you didn’t commit. Or, you’re accused of a crime that you did commit, but you believe your actions were justified. These…
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