Signs you need your tree removed

Signs you need your tree removed

The trees in your property provide a beautiful appearance in your home. But how do you know when it is time to remove your tree? Many homeowners find themselves in a dilemma when figuring out when it is needed to remove a tree.

Wondering if you need your tree removed? Here are some signs that can help determine when it is best to remove your tree.

Don’t let the outside of your tree mislead the issues it has on the inside.

Root growth expansion

Tree roots can grow three times its normal width, which is why it is important to avoid planting trees close to your house or other structures. When branches grow, it is easy to avoid collisions with a power line or window by trimming them. However, it is not the same approach when it comes to roots. Roots spread quickly and also have the potential to damage water lines and pipes. It is just as important to know the placement of pipes before planting a tree in order to avoid pipe damage. The spreading of roots can impact your home’s foundation as it can cause cracks in your home’s ceilings or even in walls.

Damage to house, fence, and other structures

If a tree is planted too close to your house, it can cause issues such as breakage of pipes and and cause cracks. Although trees have a much stronger root system compared to smaller plants, they cannot avoid strong winds and storms. Strong winds can uproot them and can ultimately damage nearby structures, including your house. A tree providing shade is nice, but it can also impact your fence. Without sunlight, your fence may not be able to eliminate moisture and can even cause mold or potential rotting of your fence.

Constant upkeep and trimming

Planting a tree can sound simple. But it takes patience and dedication in order to maintain a healthy tree. The first three years of a tree are very crucial. Different types of trees grow at different rates. From Sweetbay Magnolias to Oak Trees, it can be a 20 year difference to mature. Of course it is vital to provide it with enough water, sunlight, and even add some fertilizer in order to grow a healthy tree.

Attract pests

Trees are a vital part of our ecosystem. Not only do we benefit from them, but trees also benefit from insects. Nonetheless, pests take advantage of trees when the wood starts to rot. This makes your tree vulnerable and since it becomes a target to pests. If the tree is left untreated, it may potentially spread to other wooden structures such as fences and even your home.

Remove your tree today

Regardless of the issue, if you notice your tree does any of the signs, don’t hesitate to contact Green Pine Tree Services which have highly-trained arborists which can give a consultation and ensure if your tree and your house are safe again and in no time.

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