8 Things You Don’t Want To See On A Roof When House Hunting

8 Things You Don’t Want To See On A Roof When House Hunting

Looking for a new roof over your head? Let’s make sure it’s a good one. And here at Granbury Realty we help you to find it.

The roof is one of the most important parts of your new home. Without its protection, you leave your dwelling vulnerable to a myriad of different problems, such as water damage, mold, and moss growth.

We’re listing some of the biggest roofing red flags to watch out for when searching for a new home.


Notice any bare areas on the roof? Missing shingles are a bad sign because shingles are the first layer of protection against weather elements.

Without a strong layer of shingles, water seeps into the under layers of your roof. Eventually, that water finds its way into your home, soaking into your ceiling and walls.

Sometimes replacing the shingles is enough to fix the problem. However, other times, a full replacement is necessary and costly.


Turn your eyes towards the ceiling. If you notice any brown stains blossoming on the ceiling, there’s water seeping into the material. When left to fester, that water damage causes the roof to sag and cave in on itself.

If you see any stains on the ceiling, it’s time to move on, or look for a professional’s advice.


The next place to check during an inspection of the roof is the flashing. Flashing is the material placed around the different joints and corners of the roof. It also seals up connecting points such as the chimney or venting shafts.

Without flashing, outside air and moisture leak into the home and collect inside. It also tends to bring up the heating and cooling bills as the home struggles to combat the outside temperature seeping into the house.


Have you had troubles with furry unwanted guests letting themselves into your house? Don’t want to deal with that again, right?

If there’s a hole in the roof somewhere, animals will find it and make themselves right at home. Not only are they a nuisance to deal with, but they can start to damage the home even more.

Try and take a close look at the roof to ensure there aren’t any hidden passages for critters to get inside.


If you notice moss growing on the roof, it’s a sign that there’s too much moisture trapped inside the roof. This not only means that there is a leak somewhere in the roof, but it also means there’s little plants invading the home.

These growing plants spread fast over a roof and will end up damaging the material. The roots find their way under shingles which results in more missing shingles and even further damage.

Sometimes it’s possible to remove the moss, but why would you want to deal with that when moving into a new home?


Icicles hanging from the edge of the roof provide a nice aesthetic during the winter, but it’s not a good sign for the health of the home. When ice forms icicles like this, it means that part of the ice on top of the roof melts from poor ventilation, then freezes as it drips down.

The main problem is that the extra weight from all the hanging ice may pull off parts of the roof and cause more damage. It’s also a big risk for flooding once the snows begin to melt.

If you love the look of icicles during the winter months, it’s better to get the fake kind instead of risking damage with the real ones!


Does the color of the roof look a little dull? Don’t worry, you’re not just being picky. Discoloration is a sign of an older roof.

Year-round weather and the sun’s rays tend to fade colors away from certain materials. So the more faded it appears, the more brittle they could be.

In addition to changing the home’s overall appearance, it’s also a sign that the shingles need a full replacement. Otherwise, they’ll continue to deteriorate until they fall off the roof.

  1. OLD AGE

How long has the house been up? How often has the roof been redone?

Shingles take on the full brunt of the weather every single day, and like us, they start to age and weaken. The weaker the shingles, the more prone they are to take on additional damages.

Find your new home the right way. Yes, our team of experts Look Up and use their knowledge to identify the best options for you. Do not hesitate to ask questions, remember that we are here to help you.

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